This week's price trends from Glowlit - October 19th 2020
October 19, 2020
Author: Guy Soreq
The price of Biotin 2% continues its slow decline since reaching a peak in March due to COVID supply chain issues. Although the price is 78% lower than that peak, Glowlit interest in the product this week went down by 19%. This may be because the price today is still 33% higher than the price in September 2019, with buyers waiting to see the bottom.
Although the price of Vitamin A1000 went down around 18% from its COVID peak, it has been largely stable over the last three months. Glowlit users are 30% less interested in Vitamin A1000 since last week. However, more users have voluntarily shared the manufacturer for their Vitamin A1000 purchase than any other product using our new beta feature for comparing product origin.