Biotin 2% - December 21th 2020

December 21, 2020

Author: Guy Soreq

The Chinese pig population is quickly recovering from the impact of African Swine Fever. However, unlike the price of Corn, the price of feed additives depends more on global demand than local Chinese consumption. If we look at the price of biotin, prior to September 2019 we saw a balance in supply and demand which kept the price stable. From the last quarter of 2019, the market imbalance led to a price volatility that was then exacerbated by COVID-19 in 2020. For the last 9 months Biotin prices decreased continuously, suggesting a return to balanced market levels. Nonetheless, the question remains: will global demand also return to its previous levels before September 2019?

In this context, the theme chosen for The 2020 China Vitamin Industrial Summit (CVIS), "Dangers and Opportunities in the Vitamin Industry” speaks to the decisions the industry needs to decide on in the coming years. Industry players that attended the summit will review the competition and collaboration possible between the upstream and downstream partners. What will be decided by them will affect us all.

Biotin 2%  - December 21th 2020